After Tremendous amount of research the scientific outcome for the best ass by race or creed goes to the Brazilians. Look even a blindman could have come to this conclusion but the study was so necessary. Why would I spend so much of the taxpayers money, my time and effort to do some research that didnt accomplish much or will change humanity for the better in any way and was already widely assumed that Brazilian chicks got that ass. My reason is the country is already spending billions on a war, whats a couple of thousand for ass education. Its nothing barely a pittance of a price to pay for some fabulous ass shots. Enjoy! Peace NBM...............
^^ appreciate the ass, spam'r.....
Amen! Brazilian girls are dominant in the ass game.
Don't get me wrong Jessica Biel is a beauty, "her ass is stylin on me" or whatever the fock. Still, she really ain't competing the ass game compared to these 2 Brazilian chicks you got photos of here.
Yo why don't the few American white girls with "great ass havin genes" like the Brazilian white girl here, take advantage of this gift from God? Instead they buy into the bogus "waif ideal of beauty" and deflate their asses like a knife to a tire. Tragic
Brazilian chicks are the hottest chicks on earth
Yo..I was gonna go to Brazil last year....well until my nigga showed me that the AIDS rate went up 85%...fuk that..
Yo Beli, Up 85% that motherfucker was already high dont tell me they are on some Thailand shit were every third girl has AIDS, no Tragic Johnson or Pedro from the Real world. Nonetheless, I heard Costa Rica is that spot!
i heard the jews got a cure for aids
Yah man..I guess this life's eay off taxing pussy..lol...costa is dope, but niggaz is sleepin on Belizean hoes (aye!)
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