So Isaiah Washington has got a little problem, he might lose his job for calling some dudes on his show (Grey's Anatomy) a faggot. I know most work places dont tolerate derogatory terms like Faggot, Bitch, Homo etc. But I will have to disagree, in the heat of battle when someone is questioning your brolicness most men will spew out a faggot or sprinkle in a punk ass bitch; that is to be expected. I will have to admit I dont know what exactly happened but word was Isaiah choked the shit out of his co-worker Patrick Dempsey . I would have to assume the dispute went a little like this...Patrick tried to pull some Hollywood shit on Isaiah with the thought that he was protected by his name or who he was and Isaiah being a man and not a punk fucked Patrick's bitch ass up, for trying to pull the "do you know who I am" shit over on Isaiah; Patrick got his ass handed to him, No G-Child. The fighting part is all fair in Love and War but where things got critical was when Isaiah started calling Patrick a Faggot and that Patrick was a fag just like T. R. Knight ; now you know Isaiah done fucked up right.
Okay, he could have called Patrick a faggot and left it at that but since he decided to drag TR up in the mess now GLAAD is all up in Isaiah's ass (No-Homo) trying to get dude fired from the show. I honestly think the whole fight thing was fine, my issue is this TR dude was a down low brother and hadnt outed himself and probably never would have in order to keep getting good acting jobs and not having to do gay p0rn. Isaiah fucked up by bringing up someone else into his altercation and then subsequently outing the dude; that is some snitching type shit even if he was outing a Homo. I think Isaiah only fucked up when he threw this TR dude under the bus and therefore I wont co-sign his actions and if he gets kicked off whatever. What do you think?
Yeah he fucked up..no george w. I like how Isiah tried to deny the shyt till ol' girl got mad and flipped on him at the Golden Globes. Truthfully, I think he had a "Clockers" moment..
On an unrelated topic..YTF did u change ur webpage?
Yo I figured I Fux is easier to remember and most already know me as I Fux and if you google it my site will come up first...........
Okay...for a second I thought U got DJ Drama'd
A Fag is a fag whether in the closet or not. isaiah did what any other non white, asian or jewsish person would have done in the same situation
^^^ true but do you think it was right for Isaiah to out the homo, I just think that was wack and since he wasnt arguing with the TR dude he shouldnt have brought the fag into the mess
NMB here with my $0.02
With prolly 100+ "no homo" synonyms why don't cats just use of these instead of "fag". Just call dude a "Weezy Fa-go Baby", "Lance Bass", "Juelz Santana" or whatever the fock?
^^^ Yup, thats what I do here at work calling Mofo's, RRR, G-Child for the chicks and countless others No TR Knight
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