Look usually I dont do this- talk about kids- but damn I needed to shed light with the NBA season quickly coming up; on Lil Jason Kidd's dome piece. Thats a special melon whoooo hot damn that must have merked Joumanna on the way out. Maybe she had a C-Section well anyways this picture was just a little token of my appreciation for my readers. By the way I think the Kidd's have a reality show coming out, any chance we get to see Jason Kidd beating Joumanna's ass on TV probably not but I going to hope for it ( not that I am wishing ill will upon her) , I am pretty sure Jason had his reasons to put his shoe on her ass. Go Lakers!
That lilmadafuka got brain damage
that dude's head is huge B, he looks like a little critter from Pluto, Oh the planet dont exist....
^^^haaa...yeah... his head is the reason..its so big planets dont want to revolve around it
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